Failure to Communicate . . . or write on topic
"What we have here is a failure to communicate." What movie is that from? I'm fairly certain that it's a military movie. Is it Apocalypse Now? Nope, way off base. It's from Cool Hand Luke.
Cool Hand Luke. Never seen the movie, but I know it stars Paul Newman. Paul Newman. Wasn't he like the Brad Pitt way back when? Yet he managed to have a Hollywood marriage to Joanne Woodward for like fifty years. (They clearly didn't have any communication problems.) And don't forget about Newman's Own. From salad dressing that you get with your McDonald's salads (man, it's been a while since I've had one of those) to dog treats even organic faux Oreos, his foundation has been giving back to communities.
This morning I was listening to the radio about an initiative to build wells in Africa. Someone recently, when I proposed doing a fundraiser for Darfur, told me that s/he did not like to support charities outside of the United States. While I understand this thinking, I personally can't help but be concerned about other people in other countries that lack basic needs like running water. What if the situation was reversed? Maybe this person should go a day without running water. Maybe his/her perspective would change?
Am I saying that we should not be concerned about the people in our own country? No, but I also have to admit that sometimes we are to blame for our current situations. No one is telling you that you have to buy a car every three years. I drool everytime I see the new 4Runners. But since I do not know where I will be in the next five years (in the north where I won't need a car? married? with children?), it really does not make sense for me to purchase a new truck valued at $30,000+. Just because you can get financed for a house up to $500,000 doesn't mean you have to go that high. It's almost laughable the number of houses that keep popping up for sale in my neighborhood. (By the way, I proudly live with my mom. It's been that way since I moved home in 2005 when my father was still alive.)
Do I waste money? Certainly. I am not the poster child for saving money. I have my addictions (scarves, designer jeans, purses), but I also love a good deal. Thank goodness for online shopping. Many a dollar has been saved by doing a little leg, finger work.
Mental note to self: go online today and make donation. Well Done.
I saw Cool Hand Luke. It didn't change my life like I was hoping. However, Paul Newman looks nice throughout the movie.
Nikki, at 10:25 PM
Yeah, struggle with some of the same issues, particularly with charity. I give through the United Way at work, but usually designate the donation to a specific charity, often changing it every year. Maybe The Haven one year, the American Cancer Society another. And then I feel weird when confronted by other charitable appeals. Do I give, or do I just focus on that charity next year through United Way? I don't know.
You know that we're struggling with house decisions for next year. How much house is enough? Do we need four bedrooms or just three? Where should we live . . . city or county? It gets a little overwhelming for me. The last time we bought a house we found out what we qualified for and then bought a house for 1/2 to 1/3 of what the back said we could afford. That was one of the smartest decisions we ever made. But now we want a nicer house in a better neighborhood, and the dilemma begin again.
Donna Sewell, at 9:08 AM
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