Freaks and Geeks...
So, yesterday's topic of Freaks and Geeks makes me think of my newfound love for the show The Big Bang Theory. I was just introduced to it a few weeks ago, and I immediately fell in love with it! I pretty much gave up sleep and made my way through the first season DVDs in two nights! (Donna, have you seen this show? Somehow I think you would love it!) Anyway, it's about these two CalTech physicists, Sheldon and Leonard, who live in Pasadena. They are freakishly brilliant… and extremely geeky! The whole show is about their relationship with the extremely beautiful Penny who lives across the hall in their apartment building. Sheldon has absolutely no social skills… which is only emphasized by the contrast of the completely normal character of Penny. Anyway, it’s hysterical. If you haven't seen it, you need to watch it!
More on miscommunication and lack of communication later!
More on miscommunication and lack of communication later!
I'm leaving Austin for Sheldon.
Nikki, at 10:23 PM
When it first came on, Adam insisted I watch it, and I didn't for some reason, maybe because it didn't feature crime scenes and dead bodies? I have caught scenes over the years and loved it, but still haven't watched an episode all the way through, but I've seen enough to know that you're right: it could become an addition for me.
Donna Sewell, at 9:02 AM
Nikki... you are just wrong! ; ) Sheldon is waaaaaaay too OCD for me! BAZINGA!
Donna... you are so just like me on that aspect. I am so into the whole crime scenes and dead body shows. When someone told me I shouls watch "The Big Bang Theory," I was like "Ummmm... I think I'll pass." I don't normally go for sitcoms... and I didn't think I'd enjoy the humor. In my mind, I thought it would be like the humor of "The Office," and I HATE that show! However, I was pleasantly surprised. It's hysterical!
Carrie Beth, at 11:55 AM
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