Picture This!

Picture Day
Well, Picture Day for BWP always makes me nervous because it brings together two worlds: my professional world (BWP) and my personal world (Wes). What if the two don't mesh? I really appreciate having quality photographs of BWP Fellows and the group photo, and taking those pictures in the studio with lights works well.
Speaking of Picture Day, I looked at the pictures Wes took yesterday during Stephanie's demo. They look great except the one of me sticking my tongue out at Wes. I deleted that from the saved photos on my computer, but I didn't want to burn another CD, so it's on the collection that I'm giving others. This time I only have one copy. Wes wants me to clear off tables next time, moving people's drinks to the floor or to a back table. He's right; there are several pictures that would look much better without the cups and water bottles.
I don't think he has the time to spare for another day of photos during demos, but I like it when he's here. I get to see him during the day, which is rare during the Summer Institute. When my alarm startled me out of sleep this morning, he said, "I'm glad I get to see you today." What a sweetie.
At that point, I still can't get past, "What's that noise, and how do I shut it up?"
Picture Day
Hmm, clearly, I'm drifting again. This topic reminds me of Shari's demo, in which we wrote about pictures. I brought some extra pictures as a backup in case anyone forgot, and we had fun with them. Those pictures are on Facebook now. I may paste them into this blog post. I pulled up Facebook, and I'm searching for the photos now.
Okay, the photo that starts this blog post isn't one from Shari's demo, but it is one a high school friend loaded onto Facebook, and I think it's funny because I'm NOT flirtatious or even outgoing. Plus, check out that 80s shirt. Whatever.
Grr. I can't get the pictures put where I want them, so I'll label them here. The old-fashioned picture is from Founders' Day or Homecoming or something like that at church when we lived in Delaware. They're taken in front of our double wide at the trailer park. The picture has my mom, sister, brother, and me in it. I'm the littlest one in the Holly Hobby dress that my mother made for me.
The picture of the donkey is one of my favorites because the donkey and my nephew seem to be mirror images of each other. That one prompted a lot of good discussion in Shari's demo, but for me it brings back memories of fun family vacations, which were the only vacations Wes and I could take the first eight years of so of marriage when we were really poor. Now, we're just comfortable but still live in an unfinished house, but it's the only debt we have, which makes me happy.
I love pictures. I don't like pictures of myself (despite these images), but I love pictures. I can look at them forever. When I go to Wes's family's house, I like to grab the box of pictures from the closet and look through them. Fun stuff.
I love pictures too! I sit and look through them constantly. You and your Holly Hobby dress are so cute! Any, you, flirtatious! I love it! What I also love is your honesty about your humble beginnings. Thanks for that.
Mary Poppins, at 10:20 AM
My favorite thing is your nephew. Why would you let him sport a mullet?
nsmith, at 10:44 AM
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