Lately, the reality of marriage has been the topic of discussion in my family. My seventeen-year-old sister got engaged last month and the twenty-two year old boy called off the wedding and broke everything off last week because she texted a boy. Apparently, he considers that cheating. I understand content is important in this situation, and no party is fully innocent, but it has given me the opportunity to re-evaluate what I see as the reality of marriage. So often, couples are more worried about the wedding than the marriage. Don’t get me wrong, I think a wedding is a very special occasion and it should be memorable, but the couple cannot lose sight of the importance of the union. I am by no means an expert on marriage, but it is amazing how I can say some of the same things my parents tell my sister and she’ll listen to me. My dad actually called me up on Sunday evening to thank me for talking to her. Now that is a strange reality. I guess having advice removed from the parental relationship makes a difference. That is scary because parents want what’s best for you. Even at a young age when I hated what my parents were telling me, I knew they only said it because they loved me and wanted the best for me. My sister is obviously devastated over this little jerk being such an idiot, and she blames herself. I find myself going into mama bear mode. That boy has a long hard row to hoe if he wants to get back into the good graces of our family, little less marriage with my little sister. My parents and I have gotten closer over this trial, and I try to help out as best I can. I’m hoping my little sister realizes her reality is that she deserves better than that scum who didn’t appreciate her or trust her or allow her to have some personal freedom. Did I mention the boy she texted was in her class work group and the teacher required them to exchange info for a group project. I mean, if a couple can’t get through an engagement without trust issues, then how do they expect to get through a marriage?
I was in that relationship...I was too young and dumb to listen to anybody else. It took me 5 years, and I thank God everyday that I didn't end up going down a rough road. I'll pray that your sister opens her mind to realize that a marriage is a life-long committment and it's not worth it to be with somebody that gets mad over petty things. I'm so blessed to have found Jeremy. A drama free relationship is an amazing feeling!
Jennifer Swain, at 9:11 AM
I think a lot of young teenagers see marriage and children as idealized. It freaks me out when some of my students are engaged at eighteen or married. Even though some relationships work at such a young age, more don't. My parents were married after only knowing each other eight months. Wow. Wes and I dated three years and were engaged for almost one more.
Donna Sewell, at 9:13 AM
Your sister is probably really upset right now, but I would say it's better she realized what a jerk that guy is before she made a mistake and married him.
Darcy, at 9:15 AM
Donna, Jeremy and I have only known each other 9 months...weird, huh? I just tell people when you've dated as many jerks as I have, you know a good guy when you find him! :)
Jennifer Swain, at 12:08 PM
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