Reality... Really? Is it?
Last night, I almost died when I logged onto Facebook a little after 10 p.m. Almost everyone on my mini-feed had their status set to something bemoaning The Bachelorette or Jon & Kate + 8:
“Jake, you can marry me!”
“That girl is crazy to get rid of Jake…”
“I KNEW Wes was a douche!”
“Dear Jake: Forget Jillian… you can have me!! Love, M”
“Pretty sure the Bachelorette is a mess...and Jake should most definitely be the next Bachelor...if he is -sign me up.”
“Jon & Kate + 8 = DIVORCE.”
“It's really too bad about Jon and Kate... I hope they're putting a chunk of money aside for all the therapy the kids will need when they're older.”
“Like everyone else in the world, feeling awful for the Asian babies. So instead of working on your marriage you got your ears pierced??”
“Really? You're separating, Jon & Kate? I never saw that one coming!”
Sometimes I just can’t believe how invested we get in the lives of t.v. personalities. I have friends who act like some of these people are their best friends or something. And it blows my mind. And is reality t.v. really reality? I think not...
I’ve never been a huge reality t.v. girl. Back in the day, my mom and I watched Big Brother every Monday night. I’m talking Season One before things got crazy. We even watched Survivor back then, too. Now, I’m just not that into it. Even thought I do profess to be a typical girl that looooves a good romance, I’m just not that into The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. Now, I will admit that I have watched this season of the Bachelorette. I’m not like a freak about it – I don’t spaz out if I miss an episode. Mostly I just have it on in the background as I’m working on BWP. And I’m not gonna lie, I do believe Jillian is an idiot. Jake is hot. And I think he’s totally sweet. And, Wes IS a douchebag. I really can’t stand him. However, it’s not my decision to make… and I’m not gonna get all worked up over who she did or did not pick.
Speaking of reality shows… I think we could TOTALLY pitch BWP as a reality show. I mean, we’ve got it all – super mom, the Asian, the pregnant one, the spastic ADD girl, the MAN, the red-head, the injured one… I’m telling you, it’s the making of a hit! I totally believe it!!! Who wants to write a proposal with me for NBC or ABC or somebody BC? We could totally do it in our professional writing groups…
“Jake, you can marry me!”
“That girl is crazy to get rid of Jake…”
“I KNEW Wes was a douche!”
“Dear Jake: Forget Jillian… you can have me!! Love, M”
“Pretty sure the Bachelorette is a mess...and Jake should most definitely be the next Bachelor...if he is -sign me up.”
“Jon & Kate + 8 = DIVORCE.”
“It's really too bad about Jon and Kate... I hope they're putting a chunk of money aside for all the therapy the kids will need when they're older.”
“Like everyone else in the world, feeling awful for the Asian babies. So instead of working on your marriage you got your ears pierced??”
“Really? You're separating, Jon & Kate? I never saw that one coming!”
Sometimes I just can’t believe how invested we get in the lives of t.v. personalities. I have friends who act like some of these people are their best friends or something. And it blows my mind. And is reality t.v. really reality? I think not...
I’ve never been a huge reality t.v. girl. Back in the day, my mom and I watched Big Brother every Monday night. I’m talking Season One before things got crazy. We even watched Survivor back then, too. Now, I’m just not that into it. Even thought I do profess to be a typical girl that looooves a good romance, I’m just not that into The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. Now, I will admit that I have watched this season of the Bachelorette. I’m not like a freak about it – I don’t spaz out if I miss an episode. Mostly I just have it on in the background as I’m working on BWP. And I’m not gonna lie, I do believe Jillian is an idiot. Jake is hot. And I think he’s totally sweet. And, Wes IS a douchebag. I really can’t stand him. However, it’s not my decision to make… and I’m not gonna get all worked up over who she did or did not pick.
Speaking of reality shows… I think we could TOTALLY pitch BWP as a reality show. I mean, we’ve got it all – super mom, the Asian, the pregnant one, the spastic ADD girl, the MAN, the red-head, the injured one… I’m telling you, it’s the making of a hit! I totally believe it!!! Who wants to write a proposal with me for NBC or ABC or somebody BC? We could totally do it in our professional writing groups…
We might even fit on Fox's reality channel!
Mrs. Dyess, at 9:01 AM
So am I reading this right . . . you want more assignments in the professional writing group? We would be more than happy to oblige (grin). Actually, I think that's a July activity. You'd have to sell it at this point for next year's group. You could be the announcer/commentator who holds the diary sessions and pushes people to say provocative things about one another (but Lindsi, Rebecca, and I would still go hide in the hallways away from all cameras and mics to take care of stuff).
Donna Sewell, at 9:02 AM
BWP as a reality TV show would be awesome! The only thing we are missing is a villan. Every reality tv show has one. Who could we bring to BWP to be the drama?
The Man, at 9:03 AM
I am like you in some respects. I too watched Big Brother when it first started and I also watched Survivor, up until the naked guy. Now, I find them all silly. However, I often wonder if it is me who changed and not the shows.
Mary Poppins, at 9:05 AM
Love the idea of a BWP reality show, but what do you think would change with an audience? I think it would have to be a hidden camera show ;)
Heidi, at 9:07 AM
I'll help you pitch it only if I get to be the b**ch! You know, the one who spreads all the gossip even if she has to make it up. I mean, we are talking about made-up personalities for reality TV. :)
Darcy, at 9:09 AM
And I quote "Put THIS in your research Ann Marie." hahahahaha
Jennifer Swain, at 9:25 AM
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