Reality - not all it's cracked up to be.
Generally speaking, I do not like reality TV. However, last night, I was sucked in. I tried to avoid it. My mom asked me if I was going to watch, and, as I scoffed, I replied that I had too much work to do. Then, I got sidetracked on facebook and saw that other people were excited about Jon and Kate. I have never even watched an episode, but I had heard the teasers about a big announcement. So, I moved into the livingroom to work. I watched the end of a previous episode, and then the new one began. I think the show is ridiculous. Most of us moms lead similar, if not crazier lives. Donna, as for screaming at the kids, don’t come to my house. I try not to, but it happens. Why do people want to watch other parents? I have enough stress in my life without worrying about someone else’s kids and someone else’s life. I am not sure why I got sucked in to the TV show. I think it was kind of like watching a train wreck. I knew what was going to happen, but I couldn’t look away.
I used to make fun of my mom for getting magazines about gossip, but now, I actually occasionally get them too. I think that is my form of mental potato chips. I can look at the pictures of stars and realize that life anywhere can be crazy, exciting, sad, etc. However, this morning, as I was driving here, I heard the song “Blessed” by Martina McBride. I was reminded of just how blessed I really am. Yes, things are tough financially right now, but I have so much to be thankful for. My children are healthy, my husband and I are healthy, before my tirade, we were improving our marriage, we are getting ready for vacation, I’m attending a fabulous class… I have so much to be thankful for. My reality is so much better than reality TV.
My mom also watches the Batchelor and the Batchelorette. I think she has some issues with marriage and through the shows, she somehow gets to see people build relationships, when she can’t. I don’t know if that is it or not, but she loves those shows. She also loves Dancing with the Stars. What is up with all these shows? I can’t stand them. As I mentioned, my reality is stressful enough. Why would I want someone else’s reality to worry about? With “fake” TV, I get to escape, knowing the people are not real and their problems don’t really exist. However, with Jon & Kate, now I’m worried about those children and the effect everything will have on their lives. I don’t need to worry about them!!
I often wonder what people would do if they were in my house 24/7. People would be shocked at how crazy things can be. However, my daughter would be an instant star because of her attitude. But, things would be so different. Last night, she decided she wanted to sleep only in panties. She didn’t want to put on clothes to go to my mom’s house this morning. If a TV crew were in the house, I would feel obligated to get her dressed. I wouldn’t want my children growing up in a home where they had to think about the “audience” all the time. A home should be a place of safety. I can do the things at home that I wouldn’t do in public. My children can really “be themselves” and not have to worry about putting on an act. As for people watching, some people might view Jeremiah falling asleep under his bed while wearing Abby-Kate’s leggings over his PJs and wearing one sock as something unusual. I thought it was hysterical. How can a child crawl under his bed and fall asleep? Abby-Kate came to inform me that Jeremiah had found a knew hiding place, so I went to investigate. I thought he was awake, so I yelled (yes Donna) at him to get out from under that bed and get in his bed. He was sound asleep and heard nothing I said. So, I grabbed an arm and a leg and proceeded to drag him out. When I almost had him out, he woke up and was totally discombobulated. He tried to sit up, but I grabbed his head so he wouldn’t hit it. I told him he had to sleep in bed, not on the floor. He wanted me to lie down with him, but I convinced him I would later. Of course I didn’t, but at 2 AM this morning, he came running in to my room and got in my bed. I got to snuggle with him all night. What reality is better than that??
Sometimes reality is scary. I remember in middle school and high school, there was a girl that I admired. She was a cheerleader and miss popular. I was pudgy and a nerd. I really wanted to be her. I’ll never forget the day she made a comment about my weight. I was never very close to her, so I didn’t keep in contact with her after high school. However, I met up with her when I moved back to Tifton. She has a daughter that is suffering from terminal tumors throughout her body. Basically, she is watching her daughter deteriorate before her eyes. How awful! God knew I didn’t really need to be her. Another girl that I knew in high school, who I thought was just “Miss It” suffered some terrible things too. She continually has things happen in her life that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Those things, along with others have made me appreciate my own reality and not yearn for someone else’s.
What is reality anyway? Are any of us really real? I try my best to be, but I recognize that some things are better left unsaid or unexamined. People don’t need to know every detail of my life. Sometimes, people set up a reality of who they think I am, and then they are surprised when I do things that go against that reality. Life is a stage, so we all put on our different masks and play our parts. Is reality TV any different? Are those people wearing the masks they want us to see, or are they really this way. Last night, Jon looked excited to start his new life. I wonder if Kate is going to be financing that new life. Hmmm. I guess I’ll have to buy another People to find out.
Generally speaking, I do not like reality TV. However, last night, I was sucked in. I tried to avoid it. My mom asked me if I was going to watch, and, as I scoffed, I replied that I had too much work to do. Then, I got sidetracked on facebook and saw that other people were excited about Jon and Kate. I have never even watched an episode, but I had heard the teasers about a big announcement. So, I moved into the livingroom to work. I watched the end of a previous episode, and then the new one began. I think the show is ridiculous. Most of us moms lead similar, if not crazier lives. Donna, as for screaming at the kids, don’t come to my house. I try not to, but it happens. Why do people want to watch other parents? I have enough stress in my life without worrying about someone else’s kids and someone else’s life. I am not sure why I got sucked in to the TV show. I think it was kind of like watching a train wreck. I knew what was going to happen, but I couldn’t look away.
I used to make fun of my mom for getting magazines about gossip, but now, I actually occasionally get them too. I think that is my form of mental potato chips. I can look at the pictures of stars and realize that life anywhere can be crazy, exciting, sad, etc. However, this morning, as I was driving here, I heard the song “Blessed” by Martina McBride. I was reminded of just how blessed I really am. Yes, things are tough financially right now, but I have so much to be thankful for. My children are healthy, my husband and I are healthy, before my tirade, we were improving our marriage, we are getting ready for vacation, I’m attending a fabulous class… I have so much to be thankful for. My reality is so much better than reality TV.
My mom also watches the Batchelor and the Batchelorette. I think she has some issues with marriage and through the shows, she somehow gets to see people build relationships, when she can’t. I don’t know if that is it or not, but she loves those shows. She also loves Dancing with the Stars. What is up with all these shows? I can’t stand them. As I mentioned, my reality is stressful enough. Why would I want someone else’s reality to worry about? With “fake” TV, I get to escape, knowing the people are not real and their problems don’t really exist. However, with Jon & Kate, now I’m worried about those children and the effect everything will have on their lives. I don’t need to worry about them!!
I often wonder what people would do if they were in my house 24/7. People would be shocked at how crazy things can be. However, my daughter would be an instant star because of her attitude. But, things would be so different. Last night, she decided she wanted to sleep only in panties. She didn’t want to put on clothes to go to my mom’s house this morning. If a TV crew were in the house, I would feel obligated to get her dressed. I wouldn’t want my children growing up in a home where they had to think about the “audience” all the time. A home should be a place of safety. I can do the things at home that I wouldn’t do in public. My children can really “be themselves” and not have to worry about putting on an act. As for people watching, some people might view Jeremiah falling asleep under his bed while wearing Abby-Kate’s leggings over his PJs and wearing one sock as something unusual. I thought it was hysterical. How can a child crawl under his bed and fall asleep? Abby-Kate came to inform me that Jeremiah had found a knew hiding place, so I went to investigate. I thought he was awake, so I yelled (yes Donna) at him to get out from under that bed and get in his bed. He was sound asleep and heard nothing I said. So, I grabbed an arm and a leg and proceeded to drag him out. When I almost had him out, he woke up and was totally discombobulated. He tried to sit up, but I grabbed his head so he wouldn’t hit it. I told him he had to sleep in bed, not on the floor. He wanted me to lie down with him, but I convinced him I would later. Of course I didn’t, but at 2 AM this morning, he came running in to my room and got in my bed. I got to snuggle with him all night. What reality is better than that??
Sometimes reality is scary. I remember in middle school and high school, there was a girl that I admired. She was a cheerleader and miss popular. I was pudgy and a nerd. I really wanted to be her. I’ll never forget the day she made a comment about my weight. I was never very close to her, so I didn’t keep in contact with her after high school. However, I met up with her when I moved back to Tifton. She has a daughter that is suffering from terminal tumors throughout her body. Basically, she is watching her daughter deteriorate before her eyes. How awful! God knew I didn’t really need to be her. Another girl that I knew in high school, who I thought was just “Miss It” suffered some terrible things too. She continually has things happen in her life that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Those things, along with others have made me appreciate my own reality and not yearn for someone else’s.
What is reality anyway? Are any of us really real? I try my best to be, but I recognize that some things are better left unsaid or unexamined. People don’t need to know every detail of my life. Sometimes, people set up a reality of who they think I am, and then they are surprised when I do things that go against that reality. Life is a stage, so we all put on our different masks and play our parts. Is reality TV any different? Are those people wearing the masks they want us to see, or are they really this way. Last night, Jon looked excited to start his new life. I wonder if Kate is going to be financing that new life. Hmmm. I guess I’ll have to buy another People to find out.
Alison, I expect a little yelling. Yes, I can snap too, but I have some family members who just yell constantly. It's so loud at their house. No one wants to be ignored, so they all talk at the same time and just get louder and louder. I tend to get quieter and quieter as I get mad--just a personality trait difference.
Donna Sewell, at 9:05 AM
Sorry, I forgot to say this in my last response: Thanks for calling this a fabulous class. The last couple of days, it's felt like people haven't been appreciating it, and I've felt a bit defensive. I know any situation can improve, which is why we ask for changes every day, but I don't know, I've still felt as if people didn't understand the value or the investment BWP made in every participant.
Donna Sewell, at 9:08 AM
I don't know how the people on the shows stand to have every second of their days recorded. No wonder people's marriages and relationships didn't work.
Mrs. Dyess, at 9:09 AM
Donna, I too think this is a fabulous and wonderful class. I'm sorry if any of us have seemed to belittle it. I haven't heard anyone say anything negative about it, so I hope its not people in our group that you're talking about
Mrs. Dyess, at 9:11 AM
Alison, I would love to be a fly on the wall at your house.
Donna, my dad's side of the family sounds a lot like your family. They are always trying to talk about each other. Jeremy's family is sooooo quiet, so it's taking me some time to get used to beind around them and not having competition for leading the conversation.
Also, I am really enjoying this class. I know this might sound "dumb" but I feel like I'm smarter because of all the writing I'm doing. I told Jeremy that last night. I told him he might feel smarter if he would write something other than tickets! :)
Jennifer Swain, at 9:24 AM
I always enjoy reading about your kids. I don't care how crazy parenting is, I'm excited for my little one to get here. I'm sure I'll be calling you up for advice sometime. That goes for all of the parents in the summer institute!
Heidi, at 9:04 PM
Pudgy and nerdy... I didn't know that at one time we were twins... No one could tell now, could they?
Susan, at 8:49 AM
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