Re ality
Re ality
re make
re act
Just a few words that have to do with re ality. Things seem to be overly real this week. I have my demo on Wednesday, and the sense of impending doom is not pretty. I'm worried about it not being long enough so I've stuffed it full of activities. I mean really, how many different ways can you say using current events in the classroom is a great way to teach? I'm pretty disappointed in one of my activities. I was going to have everyone create a headline and a lead for a news story, but the stamps were $15 bucks a pop. Considering I'd probably need one per every two to three people, that's $75. I'm not spending that much on my demo. Sad face. Anyway, back to re ality. Here in the BWP class, it feels as though re ality has stopped. I'm so busy during the week that I only hear about all the fun things everyone else is doing long after the fact. Oh, you all spent Wednesday at the water park in Wild Adventures? Bummer. I wrote and re vised a paper or ten. You went to the ocean? Sucks. I can't. It's hard to imagine other people sleeping well past dawn and then not having anything to do all day but play. I envy little kids right now.
How's that a change for re ality? Little kids, at least in Houston Co., are losing bits of their summer every year. They're getting longer breaks during the semester and losing summer. This means an entire generation is going to have a completely different life experience than I had. How's that for a shift in re ality?
re make
re act
Just a few words that have to do with re ality. Things seem to be overly real this week. I have my demo on Wednesday, and the sense of impending doom is not pretty. I'm worried about it not being long enough so I've stuffed it full of activities. I mean really, how many different ways can you say using current events in the classroom is a great way to teach? I'm pretty disappointed in one of my activities. I was going to have everyone create a headline and a lead for a news story, but the stamps were $15 bucks a pop. Considering I'd probably need one per every two to three people, that's $75. I'm not spending that much on my demo. Sad face. Anyway, back to re ality. Here in the BWP class, it feels as though re ality has stopped. I'm so busy during the week that I only hear about all the fun things everyone else is doing long after the fact. Oh, you all spent Wednesday at the water park in Wild Adventures? Bummer. I wrote and re vised a paper or ten. You went to the ocean? Sucks. I can't. It's hard to imagine other people sleeping well past dawn and then not having anything to do all day but play. I envy little kids right now.
How's that a change for re ality? Little kids, at least in Houston Co., are losing bits of their summer every year. They're getting longer breaks during the semester and losing summer. This means an entire generation is going to have a completely different life experience than I had. How's that for a shift in re ality?
Don't sweat your demo. I know you are going to do an awesome job. I am excited to hear how you are going to incorporate your topic into writing effectively. Good Luck!
The Man, at 9:09 AM
Your comments are so funny! I can relate. Last night I saw on Facebook that one of my friends left yesterday for a two week trip to Destin. First, I can't afford that, but also, I can't do it anyway! I was a little miffed about having so much to do this summer, but now I'm glad that I get to be with all of these great people and really become a better teacher. Sorry, got sappy there.
Mary Poppins, at 9:09 AM
I know how you feel. It's so hard to be responsible when all of your friends are going off and doing this or that. It really sucks to be the one left out because of school, even if we are in a fabulous class such as this one!
Mrs. Dyess, at 9:13 AM
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