Blackwater Writing Project

June 09, 2009

Oxymorons . . . or just morons

Jumbo shrimp. Okay, now that is out of the way. OMG! Can a computer qualify as a moron? It has taken me ten minutes (no, I'm not exaggerating) to login and get connected using this computer. My Apple, on the other hand, would have already been connected by now, and I would have been at least one paragraph into talking about some random idiot. Oh, how I miss Taylor today. Stupid HP compooter. Gotta get all that LCS stuff done so I don't have to bring HP back. (Taylor doesn't have Publisher.)

So, morons. Hmmm. Lindsi must have taken a cue from me and based the prompt on something from her life. Wonder what moron she's writing about. (As Donna always says, "grin.")

I must be exhausted because I can't really think of any morons at this point. (Yes, Rebecca, the cynic, doesn't have any quick moron stories.) I did, however, once teach a student with the last name of "Moran." I'm sure that he was probably called a moron more than once in his life because of it.

Speaking of names. when I was growing up, kids would call me "Elmer." Granted, I did have to go to speech, but I didn't have a stuttering problem, nor did I hunt "wabbits." Actually, come to think of it, that wasn't a bad nickname. I could not pronounce my Rs, which was rather tragic considering the fact that my brother's name was Ryan, and my full name is Rebecca Rose Elmore. (I mean, could I have any more Rs in my name?) My brother's best friend's name was Wayne, which did not help in my efforts to correct my speech impediment. So, it was always "Y-an" and "Wah-becca." I think that's why my parents ended up calling me "Becky." Even to this day, I have to be careful about my Rs. I wonder if it's an Asian thing. No, seriously.

The other day, I saw that some friends of mine had completed one of those Facebook quizzes and that they were a certain ethnicity. (Personally, I think it would have been funny is they had not.) In my spare time, I need to do one of those and see what it says I am athough I have already done a "How White Are You?" and I'm Bill Clinton. I still don't know how to interpret that. A friend from another WP told Donna and me about this list called "Stuff White People Like" ( #96 is New Balance shoes followed by scarves (#97). #67-standing still at concerts; #99-grammar. Strangely, #11 is Asian girls. Interesting . . . So, does that mean I like myself?


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