Holiday Overload (and other rantings)
Some are legit. Others, though, seem to me just an excuse to commercialize. Good gravy. Take a look at how the industry has capitalized on the whole holiday concept. Stores had Valentine’s merchandise out right beside the clearance racks for Christmas items. I actually bought a Reese’s peanut butter egg…for EASTER…a few WEEKS ago. At the rate we’re going, Christmas will be a year-round holiday before long.
I do love some holidays. Christmas is a fun one. It’s not just the presents, either. Or the obligatory family time. There’s something special about that time of year. Just like the song: it’s the most wonderful time of the year. (Is it in your head now?) All commercialness aside, the Christmas season is one that reminds me to be less selfish. I think of others, I want to get people that perfect gift and then watch the delight on their face when they open it. And the food. Oh the food!
But there’s more to Christmas than that. I still get chills when I think about how special Christmas Eve service is for me. It’s magical. My favorite, still, is when we dim all the lights, and the entire congregation holds a candle and sings Silent Night. Some years I can’t even make it through the song without choking up and I end up sputtering out every few words between the tears. Magical. We didn’t make it to Christmas Eve service this year, and I felt empty.
New Year’s is a let-down for me. I mean, seriously, all that excitement, all the party, all that hoopla for another day?
And Valentine’s? Donna, we’re peas in a pod because I think it’s a waste. I mean, seriously. You’re supposed to show your love for me on THAT DAY?! I’m sorry. You should love me EVERY day, not just one day out of the year. Flowers cost more, restaurants are more crowded, and people buy all the good chocolate out of the stores! I will say, though, that JEWELRY is appreciated, in spite of my ranting. It is a nice day, though, for us. We plan a nice meal and cook it together because that’s something WE enjoy doing.
The other holiday that I love the most is Easter. Aside from the fact that there’s something especially delightful about the Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs and their glorious deliciousness, which, on a side note, cost me ten whole pounds during its season, that day, that one day in the entire year embodies why I am a Christian. I have friends who will say that Easter is just another day at church. It’s a celebration. Forget the egg hunts and the seersucker suits and the bonnets (and the idiot who invented WHITE shoes). That one day is the capstone of my beliefs and demonstrates unconditional love in a way almost beyond my abilities to understand.
With all that said, there are some really stupid holidays out there. Did you know February is National Get to Know an Independent Real Estate Broker Month? What is that?! National Time Management Month is also a very important holiday to celebrate in February. Ooh, don’t forget about National Return Your Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month. So, where are the cards for these? C’mon, Hallmark, you’re letting us down here!
The hedgehog has apparently gotten the shaft, too, because today is Hedgehog Day. Did you know that? So, what exactly does a hedgehog do on this day? Yeah, got me. What about Groundhog Job Shadow Day? So, are we to believe that there are hopeful little groundhoglings excitedly shadowing Punxsutawney Phil or General Beauregard Lee as they perform their all-important duties? Yeah, last I checked, I never saw a groundhog waiting in the wings.
I wonder if there’s a holiday for “I dated the biggest jerkoff”? I would buy a card for that! What about “Chocolate is a food group” Day or “I love pink” Day or even “The sky is blue” Day? I mean, seriously.
I do secretly wish, sometimes, down in the deepest part of my mind, that I worked for the USPS or the banks. Then, I could have a reason to take off on Flag Day or Sunshine Day or Constitution Day.
One more thing, and I just want to make sure I’m not missing the boat on this:
Did I block Georgia Day out of my mind as a kid? Around here, there’s a huge celebration and parades and a big deal made in town and in all the schools. Is this normal? It’s cool, but I don’t remember it being a huge school holiday. Just curious to hear from others on this…
I really enjoyed reading your post. I've missed you.
Donna Sewell, at 7:08 PM
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