Stressing -- I don't stress too much usually, but I am always aware of what I am supposed to be doing and in general I try to get it done before it is due or I feel bad that I may not ever get done due to an emergency. Of course, the emergency never materializes, but I feel better knowing I can move on to the next thing.
I was slow on getting the newsletter done this time, and felt bad when I realized I was missing a couple of things that had I worked on it earlier, I would have spotted earlier. Oh well. It is done now and on its way to Donna.
I am really not stressed even at work, more frustrated with the changes and no time to put those changes into effect or evaluate how they are working. 17 conferences to schedule a week (I do not see how this is possible, but team leader insists on doing it this way, and god forbid we want to pull someone, add yes but remove, no way.) Then we are supposed to have lesson plans in by 4 on Friday but with no planning time how??? Good thing I bring work home, but it defeats the purpose of team planning since my team is not here. I am a team of one who shares LOL But then again, I don't have to do them as far in advance, but I do not like waiting until Thursday to get the lessons for the next week. So I sit here and pound out my frustration silently.
*I want an old old typewrite with the keys you need to use a mallet on so that they hit the paper.**
Fed Ex is getting me upset right about now too. A package slip was left on Friday, *final attempt*. WHOA! What happened to attempts 1 & 2? Well they say, "Don't know." After much hemming and hawing, they finally say, "OK, we'll deliver Tuesday. Sign the slip and leave on the door."
Is today Tuesday??? No. I thought not. However, tonight there is yet another *final attempt* slip. Yet another call and I am told, "Our mistake, they should not have come today. They will deliver tomorrow." **Wonders what I will see on my door tomorrow.**
I begin classes again in January. I have no idea what to expect, don't know many of the instructors listed, that will be more stressful than anything. We all want to know about the instructor so we know what to expect and what to do. Anyone know the people who do the Media Specialist IT Masters?
Being a wife and mother never made me panic. Moving to unknowns was just an adventure. Teaching fills me with wonder at what my students know as well as what they don't know, and what they misunderstand, wellllll. But when I think about my son getting ready to move, it terrifies me that he might not be ready. His older brother did fine and so will the younger one, but this one for all he is clever and capable is more of a homebody. I am scared I will scare him into staying and doing so for the wrong reason, but ultimately, I believe he will make the right choice for himself. On a practice ASVAB (Military test) he scored a 94 today, the possibilities of what he can do is scary, and he has decided on being a maintenance officer. A potential brain surgeon operating on engines instead. (irony?)
I had a stress-free weekend. Shopped, which is usually stressful because I dislike it as passionately as others crave it, went out with friends, my devils choice was a Mango Margarita (ow! alright, stop twisting. it was 2) *yummy* and then yesterday after the newsletter was as complete as could be, I baked. Need to do some more. My kids even made their own zucchini loaves, *reminder to self - teach how to crack eggs* that was the funniest. If I had been stressed, watching two teenagers crack eggs was hysterical. One got his cracked but it didn't break the membrane, had to pick at it like a scab. The other, cracked and splatted everywhere. At least they measured and dumped flour without a need for biological clean-up.
Well 30 minutes have passed as I reminisce the weekend, many stress relievers are not illegal but. . . Now I need to feed animals and relax under hot water, it will also thaw out my tootsies that are going blue from sitting so long.
Donna, you reminded me about chilly brrrrr weather in bedrooms. My parents house was three storeys, and I was at the top. My window was cracked, and the cold water tank was in a closet there too. (For those who don't know, this was in England). I woke up one morning, sun sparkled on Jack Frost's artwork, and the ground I could see was white with a mist rising. Rainbows from the sun caught the ice trails on the glass and I stretched, shivered, and embraced a day. Almost ready for school, I decided to use my lipgloss. It had sat all year on my "dresser" the top of the water tank cabinet. Warmed and really liquidy in summer, it was now a solid mass inside a glass tube.
I know I invented words, but isn't that what writing is about? Make words fit and make words as needed, poetic license LOL
See all in January if not before at the Christmas Bash.
I was slow on getting the newsletter done this time, and felt bad when I realized I was missing a couple of things that had I worked on it earlier, I would have spotted earlier. Oh well. It is done now and on its way to Donna.
I am really not stressed even at work, more frustrated with the changes and no time to put those changes into effect or evaluate how they are working. 17 conferences to schedule a week (I do not see how this is possible, but team leader insists on doing it this way, and god forbid we want to pull someone, add yes but remove, no way.) Then we are supposed to have lesson plans in by 4 on Friday but with no planning time how??? Good thing I bring work home, but it defeats the purpose of team planning since my team is not here. I am a team of one who shares LOL But then again, I don't have to do them as far in advance, but I do not like waiting until Thursday to get the lessons for the next week. So I sit here and pound out my frustration silently.
*I want an old old typewrite with the keys you need to use a mallet on so that they hit the paper.**
Fed Ex is getting me upset right about now too. A package slip was left on Friday, *final attempt*. WHOA! What happened to attempts 1 & 2? Well they say, "Don't know." After much hemming and hawing, they finally say, "OK, we'll deliver Tuesday. Sign the slip and leave on the door."
Is today Tuesday??? No. I thought not. However, tonight there is yet another *final attempt* slip. Yet another call and I am told, "Our mistake, they should not have come today. They will deliver tomorrow." **Wonders what I will see on my door tomorrow.**
I begin classes again in January. I have no idea what to expect, don't know many of the instructors listed, that will be more stressful than anything. We all want to know about the instructor so we know what to expect and what to do. Anyone know the people who do the Media Specialist IT Masters?
Being a wife and mother never made me panic. Moving to unknowns was just an adventure. Teaching fills me with wonder at what my students know as well as what they don't know, and what they misunderstand, wellllll. But when I think about my son getting ready to move, it terrifies me that he might not be ready. His older brother did fine and so will the younger one, but this one for all he is clever and capable is more of a homebody. I am scared I will scare him into staying and doing so for the wrong reason, but ultimately, I believe he will make the right choice for himself. On a practice ASVAB (Military test) he scored a 94 today, the possibilities of what he can do is scary, and he has decided on being a maintenance officer. A potential brain surgeon operating on engines instead. (irony?)
I had a stress-free weekend. Shopped, which is usually stressful because I dislike it as passionately as others crave it, went out with friends, my devils choice was a Mango Margarita (ow! alright, stop twisting. it was 2) *yummy* and then yesterday after the newsletter was as complete as could be, I baked. Need to do some more. My kids even made their own zucchini loaves, *reminder to self - teach how to crack eggs* that was the funniest. If I had been stressed, watching two teenagers crack eggs was hysterical. One got his cracked but it didn't break the membrane, had to pick at it like a scab. The other, cracked and splatted everywhere. At least they measured and dumped flour without a need for biological clean-up.
Well 30 minutes have passed as I reminisce the weekend, many stress relievers are not illegal but. . . Now I need to feed animals and relax under hot water, it will also thaw out my tootsies that are going blue from sitting so long.
Donna, you reminded me about chilly brrrrr weather in bedrooms. My parents house was three storeys, and I was at the top. My window was cracked, and the cold water tank was in a closet there too. (For those who don't know, this was in England). I woke up one morning, sun sparkled on Jack Frost's artwork, and the ground I could see was white with a mist rising. Rainbows from the sun caught the ice trails on the glass and I stretched, shivered, and embraced a day. Almost ready for school, I decided to use my lipgloss. It had sat all year on my "dresser" the top of the water tank cabinet. Warmed and really liquidy in summer, it was now a solid mass inside a glass tube.
I know I invented words, but isn't that what writing is about? Make words fit and make words as needed, poetic license LOL
See all in January if not before at the Christmas Bash.
Hey, I missed you tonight. It was another one of those confusing nights where we had to switch places. We ended up at the studio. I love the description of Jack Frost's artwork--beautiful.
Donna Sewell, at 10:14 PM
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