I can't find my reading glasses or my appointment book. My house is a wreck because I've been pressured into getting organized. But in the process, I have lost those items, and heaven only knows what else, my sense of orientation, and my self-esteem. I've had one meltdown already today over everything including the fact that I've only been assigned one class this semester. Have you seen my student loan? Where's my bailout, Obama?
I'm sorry it's such a stressful day for you. It was a bit stressful for me as well, but I think you win. I still have a dayplanner, and my glasses are on my head.
Donna Sewell, at 7:13 PM
Yeah, me. Tomorrow will be better. Won't it? Except I don't have the money to get new reading glasses. And did I mention the very costly ultra wide angle lens that I can't find either.
Buttercup, at 7:24 PM
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