I tend to stress in advance. This does not imply that I complete assignments early; I simply finish stressing early. I stressed over my paper, you know the one due tomorrow, at some point last week, so now, even though it's still not finished, I'm not stressed. It will get done. At some point I have mastered the ability to lull myself into a false sense of security, believing I can truly complete great feats in a short period of time. It's nice to be calm, though I have wondered if it's something like shock and not really the calm composure I'm convinced I possess...
I don't like this topic. It's great for this time of year, but thinking about why I should be stressed is making me a little panicky about the work I haven't finished yet. And there is nothing to eat. Which brings me to my form of stress relief. Beauty and fitness magazines tell you to exercise to reduce stress. How does taking time away from the things I need to be doing reduce my stress? Should I leave my crying baby to take a run around the neighborhood? So I can worry about her while I run, since clearly I have left and she must be at home alone? No, the only true method of stress relief is food. Now I know your going to tell me it doesn't really fix things. It's a temporary solution. My response to you: the solution is only temporary if you stop eating before the cause of the stress is removed. Bags of Cheetos and plates of brownies have fallen victim to this method of stress management, and frankly yes, it made me feel better. Then there's that skinny person that says, "What about how guilty you feel for what you ate afterwards?" Guilty? About food? God created me with needs, like food. Why should I feel guilty about that? Besides, by the time I've stopped eating (an activity I can complete while working on almost any task I might add), I will be so relieved to have completed said task that the euphoria of being finished with a taxing assignment or moment of tension will more than compensate for the fat and calories I have consumed.
Now if you will excuse me, I have a paper due, and I'm out of cheetos.
I don't like this topic. It's great for this time of year, but thinking about why I should be stressed is making me a little panicky about the work I haven't finished yet. And there is nothing to eat. Which brings me to my form of stress relief. Beauty and fitness magazines tell you to exercise to reduce stress. How does taking time away from the things I need to be doing reduce my stress? Should I leave my crying baby to take a run around the neighborhood? So I can worry about her while I run, since clearly I have left and she must be at home alone? No, the only true method of stress relief is food. Now I know your going to tell me it doesn't really fix things. It's a temporary solution. My response to you: the solution is only temporary if you stop eating before the cause of the stress is removed. Bags of Cheetos and plates of brownies have fallen victim to this method of stress management, and frankly yes, it made me feel better. Then there's that skinny person that says, "What about how guilty you feel for what you ate afterwards?" Guilty? About food? God created me with needs, like food. Why should I feel guilty about that? Besides, by the time I've stopped eating (an activity I can complete while working on almost any task I might add), I will be so relieved to have completed said task that the euphoria of being finished with a taxing assignment or moment of tension will more than compensate for the fat and calories I have consumed.
Now if you will excuse me, I have a paper due, and I'm out of cheetos.
And the pizza had STILL not arrived, so I'm not helping with your stress. Agggh! Now, that's guilt. Yeah, I completely get the food as a stress-reliever. And isolation. Isolation works great. And hitting stuff? Man, that rocks. I love violence. Unfortunately, no one wants to play with me when I get stressed. I don't know why.
Donna Sewell, at 7:23 PM
So which won? More Cheetos or paper finished? LOL
Diana Chartier, at 8:33 PM
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