Ode to My Tongue
O soft, pink organ,
Squirming in my mouth,
Sliding in and out of the tiny crevice
Between the layers of chocolate cake.
You taste the tantalizing juices
rushing into my mouth
As I drink
a frozen margarita
Tongue you are a glorious thing
Giving me pleasure and ecstasy
Filling each day with excitement
Causing me to tremble
With every new food and drink.
Ok, it sucks! But, I've always been one of those junior high humor people that thought poems that make you think dirty, and then make you feel silly for thinking dirty, were great. I love to read poetry, but I've never been any good at writing it. I can handle forms, and never stray far from them in my classroom. I've always been sympathetic to that kid that just can't write poetry. It's like grading someone on how well they decorate their house. Some people have that creative gene, others don't. I obviously don't. But I've got a sad sense of humor to keep me going, so all is well!
Squirming in my mouth,
Sliding in and out of the tiny crevice
Between the layers of chocolate cake.
You taste the tantalizing juices
rushing into my mouth
As I drink
a frozen margarita
Tongue you are a glorious thing
Giving me pleasure and ecstasy
Filling each day with excitement
Causing me to tremble
With every new food and drink.
Ok, it sucks! But, I've always been one of those junior high humor people that thought poems that make you think dirty, and then make you feel silly for thinking dirty, were great. I love to read poetry, but I've never been any good at writing it. I can handle forms, and never stray far from them in my classroom. I've always been sympathetic to that kid that just can't write poetry. It's like grading someone on how well they decorate their house. Some people have that creative gene, others don't. I obviously don't. But I've got a sad sense of humor to keep me going, so all is well!
Um, so I read the first two lines and then looked around to see if it anyone was watching me--because I clearly thought I was doing something wrong and was about to be busted for reading this. I kept expecting my mom to whack me upside the head.
Wes will love your poem.
Donna Sewell, at 7:12 PM
I got a little excited reading this and I'm not ashamed to say it! I'm like Donna, I was worried someone was reading over my shoulder. Great effort!
Adam, at 8:08 PM
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