Perfect Home
Does the perfect home all boil down to the eye of beholder? Many say that certain homes will suit anyone, but I would respond with agree to disagree. If this were so, why do so many perfect homes sit on the market as buyers search for their perfect home weeks on end. My interests are driven by character, such as the priceless detail of Victorian style homes. Porches wrapping around the wood frame, old brick foundations and columns etched with creations protruding from layers of white paint spark my imagination regarding the number of eyes who have shared this image over the many moons that have followed these creations. Many of the magnificant homes from this era met their demise as the interest was lost to the urbanization of the 1950's. Roads encroched upon our past and warehouses of steel replaced the handy work of many lost talents. I find it funny that now people view these newer creations as dated with many being replaced again as the remaining Victorians have become prized possessions that are being mimicked. So are our interest recycled making a full turn around every 100 years or 50 year such as clothing. Will I be wearing top hats when I am 50? But then again many still like the ranch home, Craftsman or even the house boat. A strong thought thought for my introduction, we all have our opinions.
Okay, you reminded me that if I do have a dream home rather than a dream worker or a dream location, it's an old white house (already restored) with a huge deep wrap-around porch (and by wrap-around, I mean it completely encircles the house, porch swings, lots of rooms, a library, and bedrooms with tall beds, so tall I need the small steps to get into it. However, I despise restoration work, painting, drywall, sanding, mudding--all of it. And I hate living in a house while restoration occurs. I want a new house built to look like an old house.
Donna Sewell, at 8:21 PM
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