South Georgia Writing Project
I am sitting here looking at the weather…woe. I am so glad to see it raining that I never thought twice about standing in it for two hours this morning- from 8 to 10. I never even complained about it being cold as hell when we finally went into the air conditioned weight room at 10 and worked out till 11. My rain shoes were good and muddy by the time we were finished. I never even thought about how nice it must have been to be sitting in a classroom listening to a presentation and eating a good b-fast. Nope, not once did I even contemplate if there was something better. Giving a kid a good forearm shiver makes it all worth while. Rain is good when it comes to practice. It always helps motivate. I would take rain over heat any day. My wife, my lovely wife (at the moment anyway), gave me a great present. She cleaned up the office so I could write. She knows how much of a distraction clutter is to me. She has even left me only to write. Of course when I got home last Thursday she showed me the room that was completely filled with boxes from our move last summer, and said in her sweet way, “Now you don’t have an excuse.” How right she is! I have spent my afternoons for the last two days writing and watching world cup. I’ve also had time to catch up on my White Stripes addiction. Man they rock! I never thought the rain would come though. I threatened to wash my cars three times and nothing. I even tried to go golfing yesterday just to antagonize the rain warlords. I don’t know how the rain is down in Valdosta, but here it is perfect; Light and constant, like a good relationship. (Insert your own rain simile here). I hear it is suppose to rain tomorrow as well. I can’t wait. I mainly like watching some of our prima donnas when they have to roll around on the wet ground first thing in the morning. You can certainly test a man’s fortitude when you ask him to slide in mud first thing in the morning. That’s an afternoon activity for most. I miss you guys. I have to get back to a piece I’ve been working on for the last three days. I think this free write gave me an idea.
It's good to hear your voice again, even if I have to manufacture it in my head. I think I heard it enough last week to make that possible though (grin). See you in a few weeks.
Donna Sewell, at 7:37 PM
I will not envy you your time in the rain. I especially will not allow myself to envy rolling in mud.
Let us in on more of your thoughts, we had an idea in the reading group today to hold pencils above our heads as a theme *joke*
Diana Chartier, at 9:11 PM
Um, Diana, I don't get the theme joke. Is that because I'm in a different reading group?
Donna Sewell, at 8:28 PM
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