I think that we make lists for almost everythng. If I don't make a list I won't remember most things. It's kinda fun making lists and then crossing off the tasks as I complete them. But, I've recently discovered the best list maker ever. It's my iPhone. You can make your lists and then check them off as completed, nt complete or in progress. And get this, you can even color code the lists by priority. How cool is that? So, I have a grocery list, a to do list, and so on...I probably shouldn't be so excited behind the whole idea of making list on my iPhone but I like technology. If I put a time next to the task my phone will ding and remind me of what I'm supposed to do. I don't know how I ever lived without my iPhone before.
Ooooo! That's so neat! I want a cool phone! ; ) Will you show me your phone sometime? I'm about to upgrade... I'm vacillating between an iPhone and a Blackberry...
Carrie Beth, at 10:16 AM
My husband has an iPhone and uses it all the time. Once, he bought me an old fashioned PDA, but I hated it. Something about putting the pen to paper and then being able to check things off makes me feel better.
Mary Poppins, at 9:12 AM
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