Little Things That Make Me Happy
One of the little things that make me happy is when my daughter, Michele, calls or sends me an email. She and I are best friends. We have "girls' weekends" every 3 or 4 months. There is nothing that is "off limits" for us to talk about. We are our own cheering team - we lift each other up and give warm fuzzies liberally. She's my only child. Well, until two years ago when she married. Now I have a "son". Recently Matt asked her, "How can you and your mom find so much to talk about?" I just smiled and thought back many years when her father asked me the same question about my mom.
That's a sweet post, Brenda. You need to send your daughter the link. I bet she would like to read it, even though she already knows it. There's something about seeing that kind of sentiment in a public forum that's meaningful.
Donna Sewell, at 8:55 AM
It is good to know that you have that type of relationship with your daughter. I have a similar one with my father. We act more like brothers than father and son. But you know, it is an inherited trait. HIs father was the same way.
The Man, at 9:13 AM
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