List of what to do in a fantasy novel/story
1. Follow the eerie light into the woods- make sure you are alone
2. Remember what the voice tells you to do as these are your instructions
3. Place the amulet around your neck- this will help protect you in the days to come
4. With no map, word of farewell, or supplies, follow the path- you will know where to go
5. Use your cloak as a pillow and learn to throw stones with a sling made out of a strip of cloth
6. Learn to like rabbit and vole stew
7. Be friendly to everyone you meet, although some will turn out to be wolves in sheep’s clothing
8. Find the ugliest, largest, hairy creature you can find and make him your best friend and companion
9. Trade chores and odd jobs for bread and cheese from farmer’s wives
10. Watch your back and do not trust the fairies
11. Bandits are inevitable- hide the amulet in your tunic when attacked and trust that your small dagger and no fighting skills will inevitably save your neck
12. In the throes of despair, remember and recall what the voice told you to do
13. Stay on the outskirts of the large city until you can disguise yourself and your hairy companion as slaves
14. Once inside the city, remember that the gates close at sunset
15. City folk are wary of strangers, so be careful not to draw attention to yourself by stealing an apple
16. You will become separated from your companion. Either you or he will be in trouble. Do not panic, but outsmart the guards as they are typically forced to work for the evil King and are simple country folk at heart
17. Once reunited with your companion, dart through the maze of city streets and hide in the queue of people leaving the city- A covered wagon works well for this purpose
18. Once out of the city gates, hide in the mysterious structures to the South- they are magical and the city folk are superstitious
19. When the voice from the light visits you again in your sleep you won’t remember it as more than a dream, but there will be a magical sword at your side when you awake
20. Practice wielding your new sword but do not read the strange inscription on the hilt
21. Continue on the road you are traveling, though the amulet tells you go down the smaller, less used path through the woods
22. When you run into trouble do not become petulant with the forces around you, but remember that the amulet told you to go somewhere else
23. Once you are on the right path once more, you will have no more trouble for a while
24. When you come to the gate in the wall with the rusted hinges, gently push it open
25. Follow the garden path to the door in the wall- open it and walk up the stairs
26. Using the one torch that is mysteriously lit, light the remaining torches as you walk up the stairs
27. At the top of the stairs you will fall in love, but do not let that blind you- there is danger around you
28. Keep your sword at the ready- you do not know when danger will strike
29. Remember that the sword is a magical blade and will break the spell of the evil one
30. Once the evil one is destroyed, remember your amulet
31. Find the spot the amulet fits into and place it there
32. Your love will react to this
33. You and your love will return home, the return journey being much easier than the first
34. Upon arriving home, no one speaks of your mysterious disappearance, and you are welcomed
35. As the town hero, you and your love are required to live happily ever after
2. Remember what the voice tells you to do as these are your instructions
3. Place the amulet around your neck- this will help protect you in the days to come
4. With no map, word of farewell, or supplies, follow the path- you will know where to go
5. Use your cloak as a pillow and learn to throw stones with a sling made out of a strip of cloth
6. Learn to like rabbit and vole stew
7. Be friendly to everyone you meet, although some will turn out to be wolves in sheep’s clothing
8. Find the ugliest, largest, hairy creature you can find and make him your best friend and companion
9. Trade chores and odd jobs for bread and cheese from farmer’s wives
10. Watch your back and do not trust the fairies
11. Bandits are inevitable- hide the amulet in your tunic when attacked and trust that your small dagger and no fighting skills will inevitably save your neck
12. In the throes of despair, remember and recall what the voice told you to do
13. Stay on the outskirts of the large city until you can disguise yourself and your hairy companion as slaves
14. Once inside the city, remember that the gates close at sunset
15. City folk are wary of strangers, so be careful not to draw attention to yourself by stealing an apple
16. You will become separated from your companion. Either you or he will be in trouble. Do not panic, but outsmart the guards as they are typically forced to work for the evil King and are simple country folk at heart
17. Once reunited with your companion, dart through the maze of city streets and hide in the queue of people leaving the city- A covered wagon works well for this purpose
18. Once out of the city gates, hide in the mysterious structures to the South- they are magical and the city folk are superstitious
19. When the voice from the light visits you again in your sleep you won’t remember it as more than a dream, but there will be a magical sword at your side when you awake
20. Practice wielding your new sword but do not read the strange inscription on the hilt
21. Continue on the road you are traveling, though the amulet tells you go down the smaller, less used path through the woods
22. When you run into trouble do not become petulant with the forces around you, but remember that the amulet told you to go somewhere else
23. Once you are on the right path once more, you will have no more trouble for a while
24. When you come to the gate in the wall with the rusted hinges, gently push it open
25. Follow the garden path to the door in the wall- open it and walk up the stairs
26. Using the one torch that is mysteriously lit, light the remaining torches as you walk up the stairs
27. At the top of the stairs you will fall in love, but do not let that blind you- there is danger around you
28. Keep your sword at the ready- you do not know when danger will strike
29. Remember that the sword is a magical blade and will break the spell of the evil one
30. Once the evil one is destroyed, remember your amulet
31. Find the spot the amulet fits into and place it there
32. Your love will react to this
33. You and your love will return home, the return journey being much easier than the first
34. Upon arriving home, no one speaks of your mysterious disappearance, and you are welcomed
35. As the town hero, you and your love are required to live happily ever after
One other thing is that if you are looking for the man with six fingers who killed your father, make sure you tell him your name before you kill him.
Mary Poppins, at 9:10 AM
Listen to your broccoli... it will tell you what to do. (totally paraphrasing Lamott here.)
Carrie Beth, at 9:19 AM
I love this list! It definitely covers the genre, but it also points out the ironies of it. Good stuff!
blindsi, at 3:28 PM
This list is great! I think you could do so many things with this list in your classroom. Sequencing, anyone? I love how matter-of-fact you sound. It gives it a nice wittiness. Excellent.
ktatum, at 12:06 AM
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