Happy Place
I have also read "The Phantom Tollbooth"! I loved the "Terrible Djinn" (spelling?) who only collected terrible sounds. I read it when I was really young, but have never forgotten its wonderful characters (the dog, Tock, who goes "tick tick tick", Rhyme and Reason, etc.) Enough about that. I think by now anyone can see that my happy place is books. Any book, anytime. Tom Clancy, John Grisham, Lincoln Childs, they all have provided me with worlds beyond my own imagination, worlds that can take me away from any and everything that might be troubling me in the real world. Literature can provide the ultimate escape, one in your mind, one that doesn't require a hangover the next morning. The beauty of good literature doesn't depend on genre, only effectiveness. Anne McAffery can take me to Pern, the world of Dragons, and Jack London can take me to Alaska to brave the harsh cold, all without a ticket or need of a reservation. Books are truly my Happy Place!
Joel, It's good to hear from you. It's been a while. Almost any book is a happy place for me. I can meet characters but also delete them if I don't like them (unlike the real characters in my life). I can experiment with new identities, new jobs, new relationships--all kinds of cool stuff.
Donna Sewell, at 11:24 AM
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