Madison Claire
This is Madison Claire Gaither. She was born on October 25, 2007. She weighed 6 lbs 5 ozs and 18 inches long. It has been a long and trying couple of weeks. We spent 5 days in the hospital. When she was born, her cord was wrapped around her neck three times. As a result, she was stressed and spent a day and a half in the NUK unit. Since, she has had several test run and two CT Scans. I believe that everything will be fine and tomorrow we will find out all the results. I truly believe that the stress of being born made her have all these problems.
We have been home for a little over a week and she has been doing great. She poops, eats, and sleeps. She is very sweet and quiet. Micah loves her and wants to hold her all the time. Yesterday I think he had a moment. He said, "I have a little sister." I just laughed and asked him if he was just realizing that.
Congratulations to Lindsi. She is beautiful. I can't wait to see her. You look really good and I hope you are doing well after the C-section. I had a C-section and the second one is much easier to recover from.
I hope everyone is well and I hope to see everyone soon.
Amanda she is beautiful! I hope everything continues to go well. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
blindsi, at 3:08 PM
Look at Maddie... she's precious! Congrats on a beautiful daughter.
breahnj, at 9:29 PM
Yep, she's beautiful. I'm glad she's back at home with you and your family.
Donna Sewell, at 11:19 AM
Has anyone else stopped seeing Madison's picture? It's no longer pulling up for me on the blog.
Donna Sewell, at 11:19 AM
Yep, picture quit! Congratulations to all our "New Mommy's"!
Joel F, at 3:22 PM
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