Slim Jim Addict
The only food that I could, and do, eat on a daily basis is a Slim Jim if Slim Jims even qualify as food.
What exactly are Slim Jims, and what are they made of? I know that our bodies are supposed to be temples, but I honestly have never even looked at the ingredients. I don't do drugs, but I will eat something that I do not know the source of. That makes sense. But I truly believe that one of the ingredients must be some addictive property because I am addicted.
My addiction, like most addictions, started off small. I think that my mom might have even given me my first pack. She would go to the grocery store and pick them up for me long before I knew I wanted them. I would then greedily eat them up, and when the box was empty think Who ate all of my Slim Jims?
Soon the five pack was not enough, and I had to buy the can. I do not know how many that there are in the can, nor do I know how much that they really cost. It really doesn't matter. I HAVE TO HAVE THEM!
Did you know that you could eat three of them, and it's only 150 calories? I discovered this while on a binge. I had scarfed down my first Slim Jim only to feel unfufilled. So I unveiled
its beauty once more. Yet again, I did not feel satisfied, but in a rare moment of self-control, I looked at the nutritional information to discover how few calories they contained. That only seemed to feed my addiction, and soon I was eating a Slim Jim three times a day.
After about two weeks, my clothes were feeling a little tighter. That is when I discovered that I had an addiction and needed help. I embarked on a plan to cure my addiction by limiting the number of Slim Jims that I eat each day, but I still can't seem to shake the addiction.
Sometimes I wonder if the way to cure my disease is as simple as eating an entire can, but like some addicts, I don't want to be cured. Give me Slims Jims or give me death!
What exactly are Slim Jims, and what are they made of? I know that our bodies are supposed to be temples, but I honestly have never even looked at the ingredients. I don't do drugs, but I will eat something that I do not know the source of. That makes sense. But I truly believe that one of the ingredients must be some addictive property because I am addicted.
My addiction, like most addictions, started off small. I think that my mom might have even given me my first pack. She would go to the grocery store and pick them up for me long before I knew I wanted them. I would then greedily eat them up, and when the box was empty think Who ate all of my Slim Jims?
Soon the five pack was not enough, and I had to buy the can. I do not know how many that there are in the can, nor do I know how much that they really cost. It really doesn't matter. I HAVE TO HAVE THEM!
Did you know that you could eat three of them, and it's only 150 calories? I discovered this while on a binge. I had scarfed down my first Slim Jim only to feel unfufilled. So I unveiled
its beauty once more. Yet again, I did not feel satisfied, but in a rare moment of self-control, I looked at the nutritional information to discover how few calories they contained. That only seemed to feed my addiction, and soon I was eating a Slim Jim three times a day.
After about two weeks, my clothes were feeling a little tighter. That is when I discovered that I had an addiction and needed help. I embarked on a plan to cure my addiction by limiting the number of Slim Jims that I eat each day, but I still can't seem to shake the addiction.
Sometimes I wonder if the way to cure my disease is as simple as eating an entire can, but like some addicts, I don't want to be cured. Give me Slims Jims or give me death!
It also doesn't help that they put the freakin' cans RIGHT BY THE CHECKOUT AT THE GROCERY STORE!!!!!
Andrea, at 9:35 AM
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