Write Night: Scars
Here's the topic for Thursday's Write Night: Scars. You may want to explore physical scars, metaphorical scars, or, as always, abandon the topic completely and write about whatever you want. I know I'm posting the topic very early, but it's a crazy week, and I'm worried that I'll forget. I look forward to reading your writing.
Labels: Write Night
Scars, hmmm . . . I can't think of any right now. No broken bones, no emergency surgeries. Um, okay, so not an emergency surgery, but I do have a scar from a cancer scare. The scar is small, and I downplayed the fear the whole time, but it lurked around me, hiding from me, popping up when I told myself the biopsy was no big deal. I didn't realize until afterwards how nervous I really was. My grandmother died from cancer. My aunt survived breast cancer. Cancer scares me--not enough to make me exercise or eat right, of course, but still scares me a bit.
I'm intrigued by the realization that I didn't immediately think of the scar. After all, it's my only scar; it should be a bigger deal. The skin still puckers a bit around it, demanding attention, but it isn't seen much. Now, though, it's bathing suit season. Hmm, that's a funny idea--as if people wear bathing suits everywhere rather than just at the beach. But I'm headed to the beach soon. The scar will reappear soon. It's always there, of course, but it's usually covered.
Another intriguing issue--I can't really think of emotional scars. I'm sure they exist, of course. I'm human; stuff bugs me. But there are few topics that remain sore, tender, inflamed. Few issues fester. Okay, clearly, I'm playing with language now, getting a little too interested in medical verbs. Imagine that, me playing with language.
I wonder who will blog tonight, whose words I will see later.
I skipped office hours today (after asking permission from my students). I'm waiting for Wes to finish a wedding consult; then we'll go to lunch. (Lucky bride if she gets Wes as photographer--he's fabulous, of course.)
I also need to go home and make sure I've done an okay job of packing. I'm not sure I have everything.
It's hard to pack simultaneously for three events: Rural Sites Network conference, Spring Break, and ISI Planning Retreat. Papers, books, suitcases crowd my small Prius. Tasks, ideas, lists, responsibilities crowd my mind, never allowing me to follow one through before another jostles it out of the way. Unruly thoughts! They need discipline.
Apparently, conditioning takes over. I pull out my laptop at Hildegard's, and words flow, a Pavlovian response. Not necessarily good words, thoughtful words, inspirational words, but still, they're words. Today that's enough for me.
Donna Sewell, at 11:43 AM
Ok, I am confused and pissed all at once. I can't figure out how to post something new. I had a good write too!!!!DAMMMIIITTTT! My name doesn't appear under contributors. I'll keep trying.
Adam, at 7:26 PM
I don't think I'm a member. I feel so alone. I'm cold...soo cooollldd.
Adam, at 7:28 PM
I know what you mean by unruley thoughts. That's half my problem now-a-days. I have so much going on that my thought's all run together. I need some more disciplined thought's. I have been trying to decide what I want to work on during the writing retreat. I have so many pieces that need attention. I feel guilty picking one over the other!
Adam, at 9:45 PM
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