Road Rage
What are things that can upset your applecart on whatever the road is upon which you travel? The roads we travel are many and varied. There is the life we lead and all the branches that have veered us in different directions. We begin with a destination in mind. But, then we come to a fork and have to choose. These choices are not always cut and dry, nor are they easy. We need to think ahead and not be surprised at the blocks in our way. These blocks can be frustrating and seemingly impossible to overcome. With some thought and patience we can indeed carry on and enjoy the new direction we find ourselves travelling.
That is not what I had originally planned to say. I suppose that is another path. I have learned through writing for no purpose other than to put thought to paper that my ideas may wonder and not to get upset at what I am thinking of putting down when it does not materialize in the way I envisioned.
I was driving carefully over here tonight. Not that I do not usually drive carefully, but when it is dark and wet I am more cautious. I was stopped by a never-ending (of course it did end, or I would not be here) train. All of a sudden I see flashing blue lights on the other side. They reflect on the wet pavement underneath the bars that prevent us from crossing in front of the train that moves quicker that it appears from our waiting perspective. No sooner does the end of the train pass the junction of the opposing flashing bars than the two cars wih their flashing blue light weave speedily through and over to the other side. Fair enough you think. However, as soon as the police car clears the track and is safe on the side where it belongs, lights go off and speed is normal.
I try not to get upset about waiting for trains, I pull over for emergency vehicles as soon as I can safely do so, but for them to blatantly use the equipment for a personal goal makes me seethe. It makes me wonder whether I need to pull over for flashing lights at all. Perhaps they are all on a mission that is not legitimate and in a way are like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf."
I have to teach two kids to drive, and part of that is a responsible awareness and courtesy to oythers around them. It is made that much harder when they see authority figures flout the rules and do what they want.
Maybe there was a legitimate reason, but for the life of me I cannot think of one that would necessitate flashing blue lights one side of the track and then no need for them once the track has been crossed.
Oh, well. Get another cup of coffee and sit back, relax, and enjoy the music here to sooth. All too soon I shall be on the road again heading home. This time I pass through an area of the Interstate where it is hard to see cars and trucks coming off the Interstate and the trucks believe they have the right of way. My little car may as well be invisible. For sure I shall have eyes wide open, hands gripped tightly around the steering wheel so that they turn pale and refuse to relax easily, sit up as straight as I possibly can with one foot hovering over the brake pedal in case I need to make a quick stop. Just hope no one is behind me.
That is not what I had originally planned to say. I suppose that is another path. I have learned through writing for no purpose other than to put thought to paper that my ideas may wonder and not to get upset at what I am thinking of putting down when it does not materialize in the way I envisioned.
I was driving carefully over here tonight. Not that I do not usually drive carefully, but when it is dark and wet I am more cautious. I was stopped by a never-ending (of course it did end, or I would not be here) train. All of a sudden I see flashing blue lights on the other side. They reflect on the wet pavement underneath the bars that prevent us from crossing in front of the train that moves quicker that it appears from our waiting perspective. No sooner does the end of the train pass the junction of the opposing flashing bars than the two cars wih their flashing blue light weave speedily through and over to the other side. Fair enough you think. However, as soon as the police car clears the track and is safe on the side where it belongs, lights go off and speed is normal.
I try not to get upset about waiting for trains, I pull over for emergency vehicles as soon as I can safely do so, but for them to blatantly use the equipment for a personal goal makes me seethe. It makes me wonder whether I need to pull over for flashing lights at all. Perhaps they are all on a mission that is not legitimate and in a way are like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf."
I have to teach two kids to drive, and part of that is a responsible awareness and courtesy to oythers around them. It is made that much harder when they see authority figures flout the rules and do what they want.
Maybe there was a legitimate reason, but for the life of me I cannot think of one that would necessitate flashing blue lights one side of the track and then no need for them once the track has been crossed.
Oh, well. Get another cup of coffee and sit back, relax, and enjoy the music here to sooth. All too soon I shall be on the road again heading home. This time I pass through an area of the Interstate where it is hard to see cars and trucks coming off the Interstate and the trucks believe they have the right of way. My little car may as well be invisible. For sure I shall have eyes wide open, hands gripped tightly around the steering wheel so that they turn pale and refuse to relax easily, sit up as straight as I possibly can with one foot hovering over the brake pedal in case I need to make a quick stop. Just hope no one is behind me.
I'm glad you braved the wet roads to come join us. The frustration of seeing people flaunt their authority and use it for personal reasons gripes my soul as well (to use that old 80s phrase).
Donna Sewell, at 7:25 PM
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