Looking Ahead to Tomorrow and On
- hearing the plans for closing ceremonies
- experiencing Carrie Beth's demo
- packing up the supplies for this year
- getting my hair cut sometime next week
- taking my niece to get her senior portraits done (I wrote about her last year in the ISI)
- reading portfolios
- putting together the anthology from this year
- getting together the brochure for next year
- going to the beach with Wes's family
- the birth of my nephew, John Wesley (how cool is it that they wanted to name their son after Wes!)
- having a clean house (I don't look forward to cleaning it, but I love the after-effects)
- teaching a brand-new class in the fall, Grammar and Style
- planning some work with VECA--although I'm a little worried about teaching sixth- and seventh-grade students
- reading the Leadership and Continuity surveys to see what roles people want to play
- playing on the Wii, which Wes hooked up last night
I look forward to more stuff than I dread. Although I tend to be more pessimistic about my abilities than optimistic, in general I'm an optimistic person. I like myself, my husband, my family, my colleagues, my job, my life. Yep, I want to be thinner, nicer, more social, but whether or not that happens, I like the me I am. I'd prefer to have a housecleaner and a cook and a gardener and a teaching assistant and a graduate assistant, but I'm okay with the tasks I must undertake.
This is not going where I thought I would go this morning. I thought I would be funny. I want to be funny, but I don't feel funny--or even particularly smart this morning. I'm overwhelmed by the end, the end of this group of people meeting daily, the end of getting new ideas on a daily basis for my classes, the end of yummy breakfasts, the end of seeing Rebecca for almost a fortnight (okay, that word made me smile--I don't think I've ever used it before), the end of having an excuse not to get Wes's books caught up, the end of an excuse for having a cluttered house.
Okay, maybe there's another way to look at this: I'm looking ahead to a fresh start: a chance to have a clean house, a chance to catch up on Wes's books, a chance to balance our checkbook, a chance to plan the VECA classes, a chance learn from Rebecca about the Holocaust, a chance to lose weight, a chance to exercise, a chance to dig my toes into the sand at the beach, a chance to teach a new class for the first time, a chance to hold John Wesley in my arms (as opposed to what, I wonder?), a chance to experience Philadelphia with BWP friends, a chance to contact my legislators to remind them of the importance of supporting NWP, a chance to polish and refine the personal and professional me. I'm looking forward to seeing what I do with that chance.
And I look forward to seeing what you all do with your new chance in August.
And why can't Wes clean the house? I think you should investigate that.
Darcy, at 9:04 AM
Boys. Don't. Clean. Well they can call themselves cleaning, but it's never up to my standards. IDK how Donna is, I'm just weird about how I like my house clean. I would rather clean it myself than have to fix what J didn't do right! haha
Jennifer Swain, at 9:09 AM
I could care less who and how my house gets cleaned as long as it is clean!!
Mary Poppins, at 9:14 AM
Um, actually, I don't care who cleans my house--seriously. Wes will do what I ask, but he takes care of the yards without my help. I'm not picky about my house. In fact, I'm only cleaning it so that Lindsi and Rebecca won't be completely grossed out.
Donna Sewell, at 9:15 AM
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