The Things I Carry
I carry...
- an unbelievable capacity to procrastinate
- an undeniable love for literature
- an urgent desire for diet coke and/or mountain dew
- a soft spot for coffee
- a fear of failure
- a competitive nature to be the best
- incredibly large thighs and butt
- an insulin pump
- my Fossil purse because it was way too expensive and I bought it anyway
- a strong desire to pull fire alarms and push open "Emergency Exit Only" doors
- guilt for having a father who adores me, while the same man left Misty
- every child I've ever met
- an inclination to avoid my family
- a small twinge of regret when my family ignores me
- a sweet tooth...despite my diabetes
- several writing projects that have yet to make it to paper
- a stong envy of anyone who can sing well naturally
- an even stronger envious streak of naturally skinny, athletic people
- a desire to create master pieces
- the expectations of Southern women, no matter how hard I try to escape them
- a rebellious streak...ok not really, but I wish I did
- PENS!!!!!
I really like this list. I could see the list becoming a movement toward writing an all about me poem or an ode to one of these things. The next step could be to pick one of these things you carry and write about why you carry it.
Also, I think the similarities and differences between people are interesting. I would never pull the fire alarm because I wouldn't want to get caught and be taken to task for it. Fear of punishment (and notoriety) probably makes me a better person than I'm naturally inclined to be.
Donna Sewell, at 8:37 AM
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