Urban Legends
Urban Legends
Well, I didn’t look at the topic today and I started talking about the latest one I heard about baby carrots. Supposedly, baby carrots are soaked in chlorine so that they will stay fresh. Not exactly true. There is some interaction with a chlorine solution, but nothing harmful. Also, I learned that there is a difference in baby carrots and baby cut carrots. One is actually grown small and sweet. The other is simply a big carrot that has been cut and shaped to look like a baby carrot. False advertising if you ask me.
I’m not sure if it is considered an urban legend, but a legend in my town is that there is a church that is where “devil worship” people go. One time, when one of my friends turned 15, we had a birthday party at her house. Her house was just down the desolate road to the church. We all decided that we would walk down to the church. Dusk was approaching, so shadows were cast from the trees alongside the road. Suddenly, I thought I saw a black figure on the side of the road, just outside of the trees. I freaked and screamed loudly. No one else saw anything, so we kept walking. Then, others started to see them. Eventually, we all went screaming back to her house. When we got back, all of the adults were laughing hysterically. They had put on black sheets and had hidden in the woods to scare us. That is sick!
Another one I remember is from the Myon Hotel in Tifton. Supposedly, if you went in the ladies bathroom and said Bloody Mary three times into the mirror, “she” would appear. I tried it – didn’t work.
The main thing I hate about urban legends is the ridiculous emails that are sent about them. My step-grandfather-in-law is the worst about sending things. He will send an email about Starbucks, Pepsi cans, the Statue of Liberty, etc. I used to send him links to snopes.com so that he could actually look it up and realize it was not true BEFORE he sent the email, but he never checked. So, I quit and now just delete his emails upon receiving them, without opening. How do you tell someone that they need to get a life???
I remember about 10 years ago when people thought NutriSweet caused brain cancer. I was so paranoid and thought I could feel a tumor growing in my head. False info again.
I also remember the urban legend about the snake getting flushed and then turning into this huge creature in the sewer system. Haven’t seen that either.
Hmm… I can’t think of any more right now. So, I’ll switch topics. This morning, I tried to expand my musical repertoire by listening to some songs I don’t usually listen to, in order to be more aware when others describe certain types of music. An interesting one I heard was “Ice Cream Paint.” In this song, the artist describes his car and the “cream on the inside, clean on the outside.” I find it interesting that someone has so little to discuss about life that he would write an ode to his paint job. At least he is watching “Saved by the Bell” and not something that Carrie Beth wouldn’t want to see. Another song I heard was a song by Chris Bridges, aka Ludacris, that detailed how he had been “pimpin” all over the world. The funniest part of the song is at the end, when someone begins to tell what does not make a pimp. They are as follows: “If you happen to see a guy wit two sweat patches up under his arms, look like he been swimming in shoulder height water, please tell that guy, put yo hands down, if you smell like you been at work all day and your car (which I heard as Drakar which made it funnier to me), please put your hands down, now look up at the pinky fingers that are still in the air, if you see him ashy around the knuckles, like the guy wash half of his hands and lotion three quarters of his body, please say put yo hands down, if yo spinnin rims spin counter clockwise, you are not pimpin.” I did not realize the criteria for pimpin. I’m glad that I am now education about it. Then, I heard a song by the rapper T.I. accompanied by Rhiana. This guy’s name is really Clifford Harris, so I would I guess that wouldn’t be a pimpin name, so I guess that is why he changed it. Anyway, I liked the message of the song. I think he is still in jail right now for some gun charges, I think, but it seems like he is trying to change his life. That is what teens need to hear, a positive message. I might not agree with some of the language, but the message is good. Okay, enough mental potato chips. Moving on to some more breakfast bread. Yummy Julie!
Urban Legends
Well, I didn’t look at the topic today and I started talking about the latest one I heard about baby carrots. Supposedly, baby carrots are soaked in chlorine so that they will stay fresh. Not exactly true. There is some interaction with a chlorine solution, but nothing harmful. Also, I learned that there is a difference in baby carrots and baby cut carrots. One is actually grown small and sweet. The other is simply a big carrot that has been cut and shaped to look like a baby carrot. False advertising if you ask me.
I’m not sure if it is considered an urban legend, but a legend in my town is that there is a church that is where “devil worship” people go. One time, when one of my friends turned 15, we had a birthday party at her house. Her house was just down the desolate road to the church. We all decided that we would walk down to the church. Dusk was approaching, so shadows were cast from the trees alongside the road. Suddenly, I thought I saw a black figure on the side of the road, just outside of the trees. I freaked and screamed loudly. No one else saw anything, so we kept walking. Then, others started to see them. Eventually, we all went screaming back to her house. When we got back, all of the adults were laughing hysterically. They had put on black sheets and had hidden in the woods to scare us. That is sick!
Another one I remember is from the Myon Hotel in Tifton. Supposedly, if you went in the ladies bathroom and said Bloody Mary three times into the mirror, “she” would appear. I tried it – didn’t work.
The main thing I hate about urban legends is the ridiculous emails that are sent about them. My step-grandfather-in-law is the worst about sending things. He will send an email about Starbucks, Pepsi cans, the Statue of Liberty, etc. I used to send him links to snopes.com so that he could actually look it up and realize it was not true BEFORE he sent the email, but he never checked. So, I quit and now just delete his emails upon receiving them, without opening. How do you tell someone that they need to get a life???
I remember about 10 years ago when people thought NutriSweet caused brain cancer. I was so paranoid and thought I could feel a tumor growing in my head. False info again.
I also remember the urban legend about the snake getting flushed and then turning into this huge creature in the sewer system. Haven’t seen that either.
Hmm… I can’t think of any more right now. So, I’ll switch topics. This morning, I tried to expand my musical repertoire by listening to some songs I don’t usually listen to, in order to be more aware when others describe certain types of music. An interesting one I heard was “Ice Cream Paint.” In this song, the artist describes his car and the “cream on the inside, clean on the outside.” I find it interesting that someone has so little to discuss about life that he would write an ode to his paint job. At least he is watching “Saved by the Bell” and not something that Carrie Beth wouldn’t want to see. Another song I heard was a song by Chris Bridges, aka Ludacris, that detailed how he had been “pimpin” all over the world. The funniest part of the song is at the end, when someone begins to tell what does not make a pimp. They are as follows: “If you happen to see a guy wit two sweat patches up under his arms, look like he been swimming in shoulder height water, please tell that guy, put yo hands down, if you smell like you been at work all day and your car (which I heard as Drakar which made it funnier to me), please put your hands down, now look up at the pinky fingers that are still in the air, if you see him ashy around the knuckles, like the guy wash half of his hands and lotion three quarters of his body, please say put yo hands down, if yo spinnin rims spin counter clockwise, you are not pimpin.” I did not realize the criteria for pimpin. I’m glad that I am now education about it. Then, I heard a song by the rapper T.I. accompanied by Rhiana. This guy’s name is really Clifford Harris, so I would I guess that wouldn’t be a pimpin name, so I guess that is why he changed it. Anyway, I liked the message of the song. I think he is still in jail right now for some gun charges, I think, but it seems like he is trying to change his life. That is what teens need to hear, a positive message. I might not agree with some of the language, but the message is good. Okay, enough mental potato chips. Moving on to some more breakfast bread. Yummy Julie!
Thank you so much for clearing up the "pimp" criteria. I,too, was unsure of what it took to become a pimp. Great post!
ktatum, at 9:10 AM
What a team player you are and a researcher to change your music settings to understand the music that prompts other people's posts. Funny. And look how much you learned by doing so.
On a side note, I really like you way you picked up Brenda's phrase and modified it. It's interesting to me how a common vocabulary can form within a community.
Donna Sewell, at 9:12 AM
Awesome! I, too, started writing about all the really random urban legends I have heard through the years. My favorite is still the lovers on their way back from a makeout session on Lover's Lane. You know... car runs out of gas, bf walks to station, girl hears scratching on the top of the car, decides to get out, bf hanging from tree, escaped convict with knife waiting for her... Of maybe that's three or four rolled into one! Haha!
On a random note- I totally agree with the false advertisement on baby carrots. However, I can't complain... I like them anyway... real babies or fake babies.
I'm digging the music you're experiencing. Haha! Way to be a team player! JK! And I TOTALLY think Drakkar would totally make the song waaaaaaaay better! ; )
Carrie Beth, at 12:29 AM
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