good times, yes, I knew what the topic was ahead of time, but I don't know where I want to go with it, so...
-Anna looking out the window today, saying, "Pway ba!" (Play ball-the neighbors kids were playing basketball.)
-Deciding at ten o'clock Friday night that we would drive to Tampa Saturday (and back) to see a Braves spring training game.
-Going on road trips with the IBTC in high school to watch baseball games
-passive-aggressive games people play when they don't want to just come out and say something
-games at Diana's house hehe!
-Survivor games in class
Okay, we'll go with "pretend." When we were little, my cousin Lauren and I were the queens of "pretend." Every year we went on vacation with my Granny to either Disney World or St. Augustine. On Saturdays and during the summer, we could be seen riding up and down the driveway on our bikes, either holding hands in the middle or one behind the other, and we were normally saying, "Parents please take all small children by the hand when exiting the tram. Once aboard step away from the doors; they will close automatically. Upon exiting the tram, be sure to gather all personal belongings. Thank you and enjoy your day at the Magic Kingdom!" I have no idea how many times we heard that on the monorail ride at Disney, but we knew every line by heart. We made stops at the oak tree and the cow field to pick up passengers. And every now and then, the monorail would get stuck-in the kitchen of course.
Another Disney game we concocted was to be from another country. I remember waiting in lines and thinking that it was so cool that all those people could speak different languages. Here we were just speaking boring old english and with a southern accent to top it off. So,we decided that we would speak German. I knew some German from staying with my Oma when I was little. The plan was for us to hold hands as we waited in line. I would ask Lauren a question in German, and she would answer in German, yes or no (the only two words I managed to teach her in line at It's a Small World) depending on if I squeezed her hand or not. If there was anyone around us that spoke German, I know they got a good laugh out of hearing us. My questions were things like, "How old are you?" and "Do you like blue?" Followed of course by, "Do you like green?"
It's funny to me now to think that when we were little, we wanted to be different, but something about growing up seems to steal that desire from a lot of people. It's too bad we can't stay little where the games are fun and pretend, not real and manipulative. I think one of the greatest things about having a child is that I have regained the right to play games, to pretend and imagine without making excuses or explanations to anyone.
-Anna looking out the window today, saying, "Pway ba!" (Play ball-the neighbors kids were playing basketball.)
-Deciding at ten o'clock Friday night that we would drive to Tampa Saturday (and back) to see a Braves spring training game.
-Going on road trips with the IBTC in high school to watch baseball games
-passive-aggressive games people play when they don't want to just come out and say something
-games at Diana's house hehe!
-Survivor games in class
Okay, we'll go with "pretend." When we were little, my cousin Lauren and I were the queens of "pretend." Every year we went on vacation with my Granny to either Disney World or St. Augustine. On Saturdays and during the summer, we could be seen riding up and down the driveway on our bikes, either holding hands in the middle or one behind the other, and we were normally saying, "Parents please take all small children by the hand when exiting the tram. Once aboard step away from the doors; they will close automatically. Upon exiting the tram, be sure to gather all personal belongings. Thank you and enjoy your day at the Magic Kingdom!" I have no idea how many times we heard that on the monorail ride at Disney, but we knew every line by heart. We made stops at the oak tree and the cow field to pick up passengers. And every now and then, the monorail would get stuck-in the kitchen of course.
Another Disney game we concocted was to be from another country. I remember waiting in lines and thinking that it was so cool that all those people could speak different languages. Here we were just speaking boring old english and with a southern accent to top it off. So,we decided that we would speak German. I knew some German from staying with my Oma when I was little. The plan was for us to hold hands as we waited in line. I would ask Lauren a question in German, and she would answer in German, yes or no (the only two words I managed to teach her in line at It's a Small World) depending on if I squeezed her hand or not. If there was anyone around us that spoke German, I know they got a good laugh out of hearing us. My questions were things like, "How old are you?" and "Do you like blue?" Followed of course by, "Do you like green?"
It's funny to me now to think that when we were little, we wanted to be different, but something about growing up seems to steal that desire from a lot of people. It's too bad we can't stay little where the games are fun and pretend, not real and manipulative. I think one of the greatest things about having a child is that I have regained the right to play games, to pretend and imagine without making excuses or explanations to anyone.
1) You are so Disney.
2) I'm impressed by your use of dialogue. :)
eromler, at 7:52 PM
I have no idea how to do this, and I'm doing this from afar. If you can offer assistance, I would be grateful!
Mary Poppins, at 7:55 PM
I wasn't aware that games weren't still fun and pretend. Everything is fun and pretend! (Insert maniacal laugh.)
Matt, at 2:27 PM
I agree, having kids is like permission to act silly and for a few moments at least, be a child and revel in it, and this time you remember to get the most out of it.
Diana Chartier, at 7:32 PM
Oops, I didn't realize I was supposed to grow up and stop playing games. Wes and I will sometimes watch a copy in a restaurant and make up their dialogue based on how they're acting. It's kind of funny, in a weird kind of way of course.
Donna Sewell, at 9:08 AM
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