Misconceptions people have about me
When we first met, my husband had the misconception that I didn't care about anything. For that reason he decided that he wasn't interest in me nor did he even like me. He said "You just don't give a damn about anything!" Now, four years and 1 1/2 babie later he has learned that I don't waste my passion on things that are trivial and unimportant.
I almost wrote about you this morning because I imagine people misperceive you. You've been quieter than I expected in the Project--not that I perceive you as a loudmouth, just as a smart, engaged leader. I'm not sure those qualities are shining through yet, but they're beginning to do so as you get to know this wacky, smart group of teachers.
Donna Sewell, at 9:06 AM
I know what you mean. My boyfriend said the same thing about me. I just choose not to get involved, not to waste time or energy on things that don't matter.
Andrea, at 2:24 PM
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