This is a tricky topic for me. My first reaction is to say that I'd make some different choices in my life, but if I had, I would be somewhere different than where I am now. And I like where I am now, so I guess the road to here was all part of it. I'm also a person that believes that regardless of what decisions I make, I will probably reconsider my actions at some point along the way. That's not to say that I don't consider things carefully, but I am aware that no choice is a perfect one, and being content with my path will make my life much easier. Especially since we don't always have a lot of control over what road we end up on.
Now renovations...
With the baby on the way, and me having no clothes that fit, and deciding to not teach next year...our house looks like a construction zone. Maybe demolition, construction sounds like too much is getting done. That whole nesting thing where you're supposed to prepare your house for your child...I stink at building things, and a nest is no exception. I'm the bird with the nest made of scraps of trash and bubble gum--it'll hold, but man is it ugly. I keep trying to clean up, and I tell myself that it's a work in progress, but aren't works in progress supposed to make progress? And for some reason no one thinks that my stacks growing closer to the ceiling should count!
But if I could have a do-over...
Okay, I've started typing three times now, and each time, I end up deleting what I write. (This is why I always use a journal in the SI!) I start writing and realize that anything I would do over would change me, and call me conceite, but I kind of like me. There are things I'd like to do again because they were fun: road trips, fuzzy bandits, traveling different places, but I don't consider those do-overs. A do-over feels like you made a mistake and you want to fix it. All of those things were fun. Like Pumbaa, I think your behind belongs past you, and you should move on from it. Learn and keep moving. Most people don't analyze our mistakes the way we do. And I think the people that matter are more apt to forgive our mistakes than we may believe. And if they aren't, should they be as important to us as they are?
As you can tell, I can't find a good vein tonight. Little squirts, but no good blood. I think I have too much in my head to put it on the blog. On paper maybe, that way it doesn't matter how random it is, but you guys are reading this!!!
Now renovations...
With the baby on the way, and me having no clothes that fit, and deciding to not teach next year...our house looks like a construction zone. Maybe demolition, construction sounds like too much is getting done. That whole nesting thing where you're supposed to prepare your house for your child...I stink at building things, and a nest is no exception. I'm the bird with the nest made of scraps of trash and bubble gum--it'll hold, but man is it ugly. I keep trying to clean up, and I tell myself that it's a work in progress, but aren't works in progress supposed to make progress? And for some reason no one thinks that my stacks growing closer to the ceiling should count!
But if I could have a do-over...
Okay, I've started typing three times now, and each time, I end up deleting what I write. (This is why I always use a journal in the SI!) I start writing and realize that anything I would do over would change me, and call me conceite, but I kind of like me. There are things I'd like to do again because they were fun: road trips, fuzzy bandits, traveling different places, but I don't consider those do-overs. A do-over feels like you made a mistake and you want to fix it. All of those things were fun. Like Pumbaa, I think your behind belongs past you, and you should move on from it. Learn and keep moving. Most people don't analyze our mistakes the way we do. And I think the people that matter are more apt to forgive our mistakes than we may believe. And if they aren't, should they be as important to us as they are?
As you can tell, I can't find a good vein tonight. Little squirts, but no good blood. I think I have too much in my head to put it on the blog. On paper maybe, that way it doesn't matter how random it is, but you guys are reading this!!!
I'm struggling in exactly the same way. I can't get the writing going. Studio concerns, BWP stuff, grade sheets that need to be turned in, Wes being home with a migraine, my parents working too hard--all this stuff percolates in my brain, overwhelming me. This sounds stupid, but I'm annoyed that I'm not funny tonight. I don't sound like the me who posts to the blog; instead, I'm the me of my mind--scattered, confused, multi-tasking. I don't usually put that me on the blog, but that's the only me who's showing up tonight, so that's the me I'll share.
Donna Sewell, at 7:15 PM
Yea, my stressed brain is here, not the entertaining one. You're obviously overwhelmed too-you only ate ice cream! I'm glad you went for dessert though or I would be fearful for your well-being!
blindsi, at 7:19 PM
I feel the same way; my thoughts are just flowing randomly today. Maybe it's because I'm a lazy bunny today.
Kat, at 7:27 PM
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