Here's a writing prompt for those of you going through freewriting withdrawal: Celebrations. We finished the Closing Ceremonies today. They went well, I thought. I've really enjoyed working with you. Perhaps consider responding to the prompt through a comment so that we can group them all today. Apparently, I'm Little Ms. Organization today.
Celebrations signal an end; right now I don't want to end. I want this summer to kickstart a community, just as Bertha used to jump on her Harley and kickstart it to race toward freedom.
Celebrations provide ceremony, ritually underscoring a passage, perhaps in our case the passage from teacher to teacher-leader. That's not completely accurate since many of you were already leaders in your school. But now we have ties beyond our schools, beyond our disciplines, beyond our school districts.
This doesn't sound like me. Aren't I usually funnier than this? (Maybe I'm not, and I just think I am?)
I sigh and scramble for ideas, for words to capture my feelings. I fail. My feet ache from these heels, and it's time to shed the panty hose, so I should probably head home rather than behave inappropriately in my office. I grin as I imagine strolling out to my car, shoes and pantyhose in hand. Now that sounds more like me.
Donna Sewell, at 2:42 PM
Celebrations -- Ways to respond to good things we have known and done. The SI is one of those things that counts for both. Everything we do connected to SI from now on will be anticlimatic. The fin will still be overriding and inspiring. So many good memories to reflect upon.
Did everyone else realize how much their contributions affected what I did? I am grateful to the entire group for making this a truly memorable experience that I want to relive.
I will celebrate my existence as a writer from now on by using the tools provided over the summer to improve and expand my creativity as well as that of the students for whom all this is meant.
Diana Chartier, at 7:32 PM
Thanks to everyone who made this a memorable summer. I hope to incorporate more writing next year into my science and keep in touch. Alex
Alex Alvarez, at 4:35 PM
Celebrations are happy times but sad times at the same time. It was nice to come together and show others what we learned this summer. It was sad to say goodbye to all of the fellows, including director and codirecters. I hope that we all keep in touch. The project was a great and memorable experience. Thank you for making my summer great. I am very excited to implement all that I have learned into my classroom.
Kim, at 6:51 PM
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