- confirming final numbers for Wednesday's luncheon
- photocopying evaluation forms for NWP
- planning closing ceremonies
- finishing my reflective essay
- cleaning the house
I sigh, knowing it will all get done sometime.
"Oops! I did it again" should be my theme song, not the song by Spears, just the title. I go to Starbucks, sip my nonfat caramel mocha, and watch it drip onto my shirt. A classic Donna moment.
I sat down last night, opened my laptop, and decided to work on my reflective essay for the portfolio. Realizing I needed my portfolio, I looked for my bag in the laundry room. It wasn't there. I looked beside my favorite chair--not there. I checked the bedroom--not there. "It must be in my car," I thought. Nope. Crap! I must have left it in my office when I went in Saturday to advise incoming freshmen at orientation.
At 10:00 p.m. I didn't want to go to school, so I drafted the reflective letter without having access to my portfolio. Whoever reads my reflective piece today will be able to tell I wrote it cold.
Oops moments
- coffee spills
- weird sayings/transposed words/wrong words (My favorite: "Bring me a bowl of ketchup," I tell Wes, expecting and receiving a bowl of ice cream. Thank goodness he hears my intention as well as my expression.)
These moments should spill from my mind. I'm often clumsy and clueless, but my mind refuses to list any, protecting my self-image perhaps.
I shift from writing to reading as I check one more of Diana's descriptions of teaching demonstrations. She volunteered to create a list for us to distribute at the luncheon. It looks good. Back to the blog: I wonder how the blog will continue once the Institute ends, how often people will check it and post to it. We should plan a reunion for October. My mind scatters again, shooting in one direction, then another. I rein it in and decide to take a break.
I hope the blog keeps going. It will be a good way to keep in touch. A reunion would be a good thing.
Diana Chartier, at 9:39 AM
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