Blackwater Writing Project

June 22, 2006

Man vs. Man

The greatest story told over and over about man vs. man....maybe it's just me, but this group seems to be very interested in the spirituality/religious topics. This one, although it ostensibly is open to all arenas, lends itself well to that same paradigm. The greatest story of man vs. man that is told over and over is probably David vs. Goliath. Everyone knows the moving story of triumph over an overwhelming opponent as the young boy David is able to slay the giant Goliath with a pebble, a small rock propelled with extreme force, and the understanding that the holy spirit enhanced David's powers as he faced certain annihilation. The great thing about the story is you don't have to be a Jew or a Christian to appreciate the story's moral. When you feel like you're up against an immovable object, whether it be personal, financial, spiritual or anything else, focus and determination can lead to unexpected results and great success. David's story is also one of precision. Hitting Goliath anywhere else on his body would not have taken him down. David had to concentrate very hard, pinpoint his goal, and then yes, hope for a little bit of good fortune. It's kinda like the guy who dropped out of Harvard, got arrested for pot, was down and out with little prospects. He focused his life, put forth maximum effort, and got a little help from Lady Fortune. What seemed like a life run amok and off track has become a life of unimaginable wealth and unmatched human philanthropy. Bill Gates may not make it into a text like the Bible, but his life has touched so many people and revolutionized the world, that his name will not be soon forgotten. Remember both of these men when you feel like you won't ever get published, won't ever get through to the kids, or won't ever get that job you want. Fortune and Fate play a part, but only after you have done the legwork, my friend. So happy walking....


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