I have not been back to the blog to create since the first time. I have been reading with an occasional response. I'm writing now because I wanted to tell everyone some thing. I wouldn't do this before my demo because it would have seemed I was buttering you all up. Now it is over! I just wanted to be sure I told everyone just how great a group you are. Thank you for the support and help presenting today. I love teaching children. You adults scare me! I am enjoying growing and learning with you all this summer. I am proud to be called your peer and colleague. It is great to know that you are all out there making a difference with our children, young adults, and all ages (for you college educators). Keep up the great work!!
God bless you all!
God bless you all!
You did a great job. I enjoyed thinking about my grandpa. I had forgotten about his hauling us to the hogs.
Donna Sewell, at 2:14 PM
You are a reat teacher to all. I am enjoying getting to know other teachers and making the connections that will keep us supporting each other long after this project ends for now.
Thank you for a great demo, you did an awesome job.
Diana Chartier, at 2:41 PM
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